Cosby Primary School

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Portland Street, Leicester, Leicestershire, LE9 1TE

0116 286 3103

Cosby Primary School

"Working Together for Excellence"

  1. Key Information
  2. Admissions


Admissions Arrangements

The admissions arrangements for Cosby Primary School is conducted in accordance with the Admissions Policy for Leicestershire County Council.

Whether you are considering an Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) admission or an admission at a later stage, prospective parents and their children are warmly invited to visit the school. Please contact the office if you would like to make an appointment.

First Time Admissions

Children are admitted to Cosby Primary School, subject to our planned admissions number, in September following their fourth birthday. Our planned admission number is currently 40.

Before the child is due to start school, parents must apply for a place by making an online application with the Admissions Department at Leicestershire County Council. Please note that all requests received by the relevant closing date (usually mid-January each year) are considered first and in accordance with the approved priority criteria. All late applications receive the lowest priority. It is important that parents apply before the closing date.

County Hall will inform you when your child has been allocated a place. No child can be admitted without an offer from the Local Authority you live in; and this is regardless of whether the child lives in the catchment area or otherwise and regardless of whether the child has attended a nursery or pre-school group linked to the school.

Admissions appeals are timetabled during June each year.

Prior to the date when the children start, a letter will be sent inviting the children to spend a time at school. School staff will attempt to visit the children at their pre-school group and the children will visit the School before their introductory morning. Parents will be invited to meet the Head Teacher and Early Years Foundation Stage Leader to be given further information about the school.

Mid-Year Transfers

All mid-year transfer requests will be co-ordinated through the Schools Admissions Service for approval before admission takes place.

Where the mid-year application is made via the Local Authority the decision letter will either offer the place or refuse the place because the school is full.

Transfer to High School

This occurs at the end of the academic year in which your child will be 11 years old (Your child must be 11 before 31st August). We work very hard to make the transition from Primary to College as smooth as possible. The vast majority of pupils transfer to Thomas Estley Community College.

Important Notes:

Combinations of the above criteria are used where appropriate.

A child’s home is taken to be the parental home. Living in the catchment does not guarantee a place in the catchment school.

The term “sibling” includes half brothers and sisters or legally adopted child regarded as siblings.

If using point 4 then professional supporting documentation must be supplied. The following lists are the areas that are considered exceptional

  • Crown Servants
  • Children subject to Child Protection Plans
  • Hard to Place children – who fall under the Fair Access Protocol
  • Parents suffering domestic violence

You can find further information by clicking the link below

Our planned admission number (PAN) is 40 

 Cosby - Admissions Policy 2024-2025.pdfDownload
 CPS - Admissions Policy 2023-2024.pdfDownload
 CPS - Admissions Policy 2025-2026.pdfDownload
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